How to Use Crsyals and How to Cleanse Crystals
How to Choose Crystals Sometimes you know like if you are kind of going through something in your life. you know what kind of properties you need like a healing crystal . you can already go in looking for it, or you can go in blindly and honestly just go to what you're drawn to, and usually, that is what you need in your life. at that moment a lot of the time, honestly i just look for the properties and stuff. rose quartz So for example, this is rose quartz, rose quartz is a love stone, so this can be self-love, self-esteem confidence, relationships friendships, just a full-on loving stone. So i believe that i got rose quartz was my first purchase. so and honestly, it's been one of my favorite crystals, like my top crystals. i have and like i said they come in various different shapes and forms, and stuff so these are rose quartz. this is a bigger piece, this is a raw piece, honestly i'm really really drawn to like the raw stones. I don't know why i just really really ...