How to Use Crsyals and How to Cleanse Crystals

How to Choose Crystals

Sometimes you know like if you are kind of going through something in your life. you know what kind of properties you need like a healing crystal. you can already go in looking for it, or you can go in blindly and honestly just go to what you're drawn to, and usually, that is what you need in your life. at that moment a lot of the time, honestly i just look for the properties and stuff.

rose quartz

So for example, this is rose quartz, rose quartz is a love stone, so this can be self-love, self-esteem confidence, relationships friendships, just a full-on loving stone. So i believe that i got rose quartz was my first purchase. so and honestly, it's been one of my favorite crystals, like my top crystals. i have and like i said they come in various different shapes and forms, and stuff so these are rose quartz. this is a bigger piece, this is a raw piece, honestly i'm really really drawn to like the raw stones. 

I don't know why i just really really like them um and i prefer them over like the Pillows, and stuff here's like a little Pillow, a little rose quartz heart is really cute, and little rose quartz is definitely my favorite. it's just like you just need it all the time you know, it's not just like a certain part of your life. so i definitely recommend rose quartz as one of your starting crystals, just because i said it's just all over love, and you just you know it's very positive. 


Also i really recommend amethyst. this is another raw crystal and it's very calming crystals. amethyst brings peace, it calms you down. it brings stability protection, and it has helped me a lot with anxiety. i'm a very anxious person, and it honestly has really really helped me out in that department. so um and i know a lot of people really really like this crystal for anxiety. 


so another one i really like is adventuring and i actually have a lot of adventuring in different forms. so here are just like little tumbled stones. i also have a bracelet, and i am actually wearing adventuring earrings right now, aventurine is a very lucky stone, and i just love it so much. i was also very very drawn when i was in the crystal shop. before i even like knew what adventuring was to the color. i love green, i love green so, when i actually looked into its properties, i fell in love with it and just love adventuring i really really recommend it. 

Black Tourmaline

And another one i recommend is black tourmaline, and it is a protective stone. So it blocks out negative energy, and can also turn a negative energy into a positive energy. so i really like this, it's a very stable crystal you need in your collection. If you don't know what to get something super super super important, that you guys need to know is once you take it from the crystal shop, and you go home with it.  

How to Cleanse Crystals

I cannot explain enough you need to cleanse them, because other people have held it and it has other people's energies and stuff maybe someone who was holding it before you had like the worst day, and just had negative energy, and so the crystal was holding on to that so you need to cleanse your crystals. 

whenever i get a new crystal, i cleanse it before i even start working with it, and stuff you do need to be cleansing. Your crystals every once in a while either ways, and so here are some ways to cleanse your crystals. you can use incense or sage. honestly i do not like to use them just i don't like the smell of them, and i just it's not for me but a lot of people do and jessica does. as well so do what makes you feel comfortable, so yeah sage incense cleanse your crystals sun and moonlight, cleanse your crystals. i usually use this one. 

I love moonlight. but also the sun. i also use a lot of the time soil. i've never tried this but you can put them in soil and cleanse them. I also get information from gem stone shop near me

i'm sorry the lighting is changing like it's sunny, and then it's cloudy i'm just i cannot control what's going on out there. another way you can cleanse your crystals is with a cleansing crystal like like my homegirl selenite. this is what she looks like. this crystal does not need to be cleansed. it actually cleanses and charges other crystals. And i love it because it does that and it works for so many different things. so i love her i recently just got her as well so um i'm excited and she cleanses my little crystals and stuff, and also charges them. so love her so those are some ways to cleanse your crystals.

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