I Love My Flower Agate Stone
I am just so excited to show you these, because i have been so into flower agate recently, and I technically always have but they're just it's one of those beautiful crystals of all time to me. each piece to me is so unique, there's different color variations of this crystal and although i have a small collection. it's 100 growing my newest crystal is flower agate. so i'm excited to share that with you guys.
let's go ahead and start with my first piece of flower. This is the first flower agate piece i ever got, and i got this one before i was really used to seeing flower agate. I got this one like pretty much when i first really discovered what flower agate was, and I got it at my local crystal store near me and they didn't have too many options, but this one I thought was so cool, because of the numerous amounts of rough spots in It.
So for those of you who are not used to crystals, I would like to point out that this is a polished tower. so that means it of course did not grow in nature, this way this was polished and shaped into a tower formation, but there are these natural rough places, I don't think it was focusing there we go there were the natural rough places actually left in it which is so cool, and I'm a huge fan of that any type of crystal that has natural rough places left in it.
I'm a huge fan and this is definitely a small tower, but I thought it was beautiful and I've had so many gorgeous flower agate pieces in my own shop, that I would have kept in a heartbeat but never have. but I'm telling you what I'm gonna flower I get hunt now. and I'm showing you guys this because if you did not know, I'm completely redoing my office space and it's a mess right now.
Here's my first ever little flower agate piece. it is this little tower, so this is like a creamy color with the browns and all that good stuff, and the rough patches. so first little cherry blossom flower agate piece. all right I'm going to show you my newest crystal. Next because it's small and I really want to save my big piece that is like the most unique for last, here is my newest crystal, I got this baby just a couple of days ago, this is my let me pick it up flower agate starfish you guys I am so in love with Her. She's so beautiful. so the story behind this one I got this from a local shop and the online that was a local like I had it shipped to my house, but it's a local place, and anyway I'm really in to see life and I mean honestly it kind of fits my brand with the whole fish thing going on, but ever since my last vacation to the beach which was at the end of May very very beginning of June.
It said that each one would be intuitively picked, but I could choose a base color or like a color that I was leaning toward, and of course flower agate goes from the whitish gray tones like this one to the brown cream pinky tone. so you know what I just want to be surprised. I thought it would be fun so I said you know just choose completely intuitively and we'll see what happens and this is what I got. so I'm in love with this little guy I've been carrying around.
This is my little flower agate starfish come on in focus there. we go hi pretty so cute I love it and finally last but not least my big guy my big kahuna my fancy beautiful very unique piece right here. my flower agate flame. here is my big
Beautiful flower agate flame for size comparison. you cannot tell that well I promise this guy is a beauty a big beauty. let me put this one down here because I feel like it's a lot harder to see where I had it. this is a very unique piece, I got this from my supplier um once again of course i do own my own online crystal store, if you guys didn't know and I got this one for my own supplier, it was so beautiful. I had to have it this is a really big flower agate flame and not only is it super gorgeous with tons of beautiful flower agate patterning here on the raw side with the pinks and the creams and the browns all of that and these little ruffle spots right here look at the back please or the front this is kind of how I usually have it.
If this isn't so unique, you guys this literally looks like flowing lava-like look at that this is a big deep cavity where I can literally put in and like lift it up, it looks like flowing lava this has like literally the biggest rough natural raw spot that the carver left in, and I just find that so beautiful I've never seen one like this. So when I saw my supplier at it like I had to get it for myself, of course, it's just so beautiful, big heavy gorgeous baby that I have to display now, on my desk but as you can see it's super unique.
It just reminds me of flowing lava and then you get all the beautiful neutrals on this side. the pretty classic all the classic flower agate looks so yeah and flames are my new obsession right now.