
Crystals For Aries

today's   post  I'm so excited  because we are kicking off this crystal and zodiac series .  this was a requested series by you guys ,  and I'm really excited to start this at the beginning of the astrological new year .  it's like perfect timing so for today's post,  we're going to be diving into Aries . Crystals for Aries and I'm so so excited so let's jump into today's post.  if you're just excited to learn about some crystals for aries , I'd be so so appreciative  of  it.  based on your moon sign ,  your rising sign, or any planets that are in the sign Aries .  so it is very universal for you to understand kind of like the energy of Aries ,  and where it is specified in your birth chart .  so I just want to start off by saying that I am not an astrologer ,  I'm not a professional or anything like that ,  that I love learning about astrology ,  and I follow the phases of the moon .  I'm int...

how to set intentions with crystals

Now finally the crystal I'm going to be sharing with you guys is labradorite. labradorite is the gemstone of magic. it awakens in those who wear or carry it a mental and intuitive ability. I've read that it helps with clairvoyance telepathy. telepathy astral travel past life recall and increases the amount of synchronicity, as you see in your life. it's associated with all the chakras and is best used when you wear it.  Labradorite So my crystal hack for you guys is my labradorite, which I keep with me in my purse at all times and this is my labradorite bracelet.  I got this from   labradorite crystal shops near me .  I would totally recommend getting labradorite jewelry if it's a ring, a bracelet, or a necklace when I have this on I feel like things just go my way, in my life like in a certain situation when I'm out in the world. you just want to have a little luck on your side, that's what lab right brings to y...

I Love My Flower Agate Stone

  I am just so excited to show you these, because i have been so into flower agate recently, and I technically always have but they're just it's one of those beautiful crystals of all time to me. each piece to me is so unique, there's different color variations of this crystal and although i have a small collection. it's 100 growing my newest crystal is flower agate. so i'm excited to share that with you guys.   let's go ahead and start with my first piece of flower. This is the first flower agate piece i ever got, and i got this one before i was really used to seeing flower agate. I got this one like pretty much when i first really discovered what flower agate was, and I got it at my local crystal store near me and they didn't have too many options, but this one I thought was so cool, because of the numerous amounts of rough spots in It. So for those of you who are not used to crystals , I would like to point out that this is a polished tower. so that mean...

New Update-Crystal Session

I have some green fluorite, green aventurine, green amethyst, and green calcite, these crystals are also great for balance, luck, health, and love. So I have a mixture of tumbled ones to help me in my hand, a mixture of points to place around the home to ignite their energy into the atmosphere. I do love raw crystals so much because they remind me of where they came from and I can feel the energy even more from those crystals. I don't know that's just me. I also have a malachite. This crystal is really great to work with. if you're trying to unveil things that are in your subconscious, it's one of those crystals not to use light-heartedly. So you'll find that yeah they'll draw out things and you'll be able to heal yourself and work through those things from using malachite. So a great stone to work with there. Down here I have a bloodstone and I also have a couple of unknown crystals here. Actually this one I got at the fairy festival last year,   and it...

How to Use Crsyals and How to Cleanse Crystals

How to Choose Crystals Sometimes you know like if you are kind of going through something in your life. you know what kind of properties you need like a healing crystal . you can already go in looking for it, or you can go in blindly and honestly just go to what you're drawn to, and usually, that is what you need in your life. at that moment a lot of the time, honestly i just look for the properties and stuff. rose quartz So for example, this is rose quartz, rose quartz is a love stone, so this can be self-love, self-esteem confidence, relationships friendships, just a full-on loving stone. So i believe that i got rose quartz was my first purchase. so and honestly, it's been one of my favorite crystals, like my top crystals. i have and like i said they come in various different shapes and forms, and stuff so these are rose quartz. this is a bigger piece, this is a raw piece, honestly i'm really really drawn to like the raw stones.  I don't know why i just really really ...

Unboxing my crystals

  um here's the box   here's a little bag of freebies i think . i'm so excited   and   here is a bundle door wrap this is   actually really good packaging .   let me   just see if there's anything else in   h ere . okay no i don't think so but look it's   beautiful it matches my outfit . okay let's just go ahead and look what's   inside this little teeny tiny bag ,   it's   so cute   so it has like these little   plant stickers   and mushroom stickers ,   ah i love those   and then this looks like a little green   a dventuring ,   i believe   um i don't know if it's gonna be written   on the   paper or not but that's so awesome   how she included that because i don't   think i ordered a green adventuring ,   but   I know green aventurine is   um like good to help you with like   wealth and stuff .   So   that's good   then i'll go ahe...